300 stjerner, 11 stemmer
Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal
Group exhibition with: Regien Cox, Jan Freuchen, Gunnhilde Høyer, Jonas Høgli Major,
Sigurd Tenningen, Mirjam Raen Thomassen, Christina Leithe H, Anders Sletvold Moe,
Per Kristian Nygaard, Birgitte Sigmundstad og Astrid Runde Saxegaard.
24.06.23 - 07.01.2024
Photos: Tor Simen Ulstein
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. 820 cm x 220 cm
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. 820 cm x 220 cm
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. 820 cm x 220 cm
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. 820 cm x 220 cm. In the background two works by Mirjam Raen Thomassen.
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. Detail of brushmarks. The large black field is painted with a small 25 mm wide brush.
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. Detail of the yellow lines in the lower right corner of the wallpainting..
Split 2023, wallpainting with acylic and filler on wall. 820 cm x 220 cm